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Shot inside an old train in autumn. Fall indoor air quality.

Fall Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

With fall now upon us in Philpot, KY, cooler temperatures are here to stay. This transition from one season to another most definitely affects your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). And your indoor air quality directly affects your comfort in…

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Air conditioning system with the sky in the background.

Know Your AC System

We want to share just a little of our knowledge with you so you can extend the life of your air conditioner, avoid costly repairs, and save energy and money in Owensboro.
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HVAC technician inspecting an air conditioning unit outside in Owensboro, KY.

Air Conditioning – The Basics

Did You Know? Since the dawn of mankind, people have been using some form of air conditioning to cool their homes. The first popularized technique was known as “evaporative cooling,” where water, ice, or snow is left out to evaporate,…

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Air conditioning vent on the blue wall in Owensboro, Kentucky.

Ductless AC

Without needing ductwork, the health concerns about what could be growing or blowing through your home via the ducts is eliminated.
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Gloved hands holding a small white bird house in Philpot, Kentucky.

How Can I Get My Heat Pump to Last Longer?

There are many factors that you, the owner, directly control and can use to extend the life of your heat pump. Caring for your heat pump requires diligence but is quite manageable if you get into the habit of it. Here's how.
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